First massage? First massage at Laurel Leaf? You might have some questions!

  • What should I wear during the massage?

    Undress to your level of comfort. Some people are comfortable undressing fully for a massage, others prefer to leave on underwear. Either way is perfectly fine.  If you are uncomfortable undressing at all, that's fine, too. I can even massage over clothing. The most important thing is that you feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed. 

  • How much of my body is exposed during a massage?

    You will always be properly draped during a massage with a sheet and typically also a blanket. Only the area being worked will be undraped at any time. The genital area and breasts will always remain fully draped and it is state law that they remain covered at all times. I will ask permission before undraping the chest of male clients. 

  • Do I have to lie flat during the massage?

    Although lying flat is the easiest way to deliver a massage, some clients have trouble lying flat on either their back or stomach or are unble to to do so safely. I have an electric massage table that can be adjusted to incline while on your back. I am also happy to work with clients in a side-lying position or even on a massage chair if that is more comfortable for you. 

  • What if I need to use the restroom during the massage?

    It's absolutely no problem. The Laurel Leaf studio has a dedicated, attached restroom. Just let me know and I'll step out of the studio while you use the restroom. I'll return again when you're ready. 

  • How much should I tip a massage therapist?

    At Laurel Leaf, we don't accept gratuity (tips). Your price is all-inclusive. However, if a massage therapist does accept tips,  it is customary to tip 15-20%.

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